Friday, July 24, 2009

Something may be wrong with my children...

So one late night, we were having root beer floats, a special treat in my home, and this is what happens…

Middle One: Do you know what The Boy does? (she was completely going to tell me something bad he does)

The Old One: Milks cats.

(all laughs)

The Boy: For your information, I milk chickens.

I begin to cry from hysterical laughter

few minutes later

The Boy: I take each nipple...goes through the motion of milking chicken nipples, closely related to milking a cow

The Old One: Mom, do chickens even have nipples, because they have 'chicken breasts'?

Me: No

Children continue thinking

The Old One: Why do men have nipples then?

The Boy: Can you milk men?

The Middle One just shakes her head. She really wants to be normal. But the odds in this family are stacked against her.

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