Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Boy and Chuck Norris

So I try to keep the kids involved in current events, whether it be conversations about asylum, the death penalty, or politics. I am left leaning (probably waaaay over), but I am thrilled even if the kids disagree with me, as long as they can defend their views. Until this.

I took The Boy with me to vote last year. I always take one child with me and let them read over the ballot, tell me what they would do and why, and then I vote however I want. (I am sure the people behind us in line hate me) I was explaining to The Boy why there are some spaces I left blank, such as cadidates without opponents. Especially if I don't agree with that candidate.

The Boy says "NO! Write in Chuck Norris".

I am puzzled. Didn't even know he knew who Chuck Norris was. I know he has never seen a Chuck Norris movie. I asked why.

The boy starts karate chopping the air and said "Chuck Norris can strangle a guy with a cordless phone"

I still don't see how that qualifies him to be the treasurer for our county. In 7 years, I bet Chuck Norris will be written in a lot, all by The Boy.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The kid ain't right, Part One

The old one is now old, sixteen on this coming Monday. But don't worry, I am not that old, had her when I was nine.

Oh, I may be ADHD, lose track alot. I will work on that at my next therapy appointment.

Back on track, when the old one was learning to read, I would have to say about 6, we were in a store, in the "unmentionables" section. I turn around and she was feeling up a bra. Pretty much, taking each cup, and pushing. I am not easily embarassed, but look around to make sure none of her teachers are around, and whisper "what are you DOING!?!?!". She looks at me puzzled, and says "it is not doing anything. Why not? It says PUSH UP BRA"

Why blog?

So first post, all this pressure. Really, I just don't know where to begin.

I have been told many times to get a dang blog already, but it took me a year and a half because I couldn't think of a name. True story.

I am not really a creative writer, but a good listener, and most of what you may read will be coversations overheard, whether it be the boy wondering if chickens have nipples, 85 year old grandmother yelling "teabagging" in a book store, or why the middle child wants a hat like the pope (and we are not even Catholic). Don't worry, eventually I will get to them all and more. Some of what you read may just be what I observe or tickles my fancy that day.

Pull up a chair, grab some wine, don't forget the xanax, and enjoy my musings.